Thursday, October 27, 2011

Baby's First Photo Shoot

Today was hectic and say the least...but I got to see our little blueberry for the first time, and his flickering little heartbeat!

On top of that, my full OB Panel came back and my levels look great!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(Im) Patiently Awaiting Lab Results...

This past Friday I had my first OB appointment and my doctor ordered labs, as usual. I called her nurse yesterday and today hoping to hear the results were good...but when I jumped to answer the phone at the first sight of her office on the Caller ID, the only news I got was that the results weren't received yet. It appears my doctor ordered a full OB Panel, so it takes a little longer than usual to hear back from the lab on the findings Hopefully in this case, no news is good news!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Baby is now the size of a blueberry!

Baby may only be a quarter of an inch long, but he is already very picky about mommy's diet.  Here is the current run-down:

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Anything @ McDonald's (most of the time, anyways...)
And of course...Pickles!

Eggs- I'm talking egg salad, egg sandwiches, egg burritos, the smell of eggs, the thought of eggs!  Blah!
Brussel Sprouts

6 Weeks

5 Weeks

We're Expecting!

Six pregnancy tests and two doctor's visits later...'s official!  We're expecting our first baby in June 2012!