Wednesday, November 30, 2011

12 Week Update

Ah, the last week of my first trimester.  Morning sickness has (almost) subsided.  The mommy blog I read, Alphamom, I think describes this week perfectly:

"You: Are you feeling better? I hope you’re feeling better. I keep thinking I’m feeling better and then I’m not. And then I am again! And then I smell whatever it is that you’re eating over there and BLEH."

I've also read that a 3D Ultrasound could determine the sex of the baby right now.  We are looking into scheduling one after the New Year, right around 18-20 weeks.  Can I wait that long?  Probably not!

Nuchal Translucency Scan - Attempt #2

I went back into the office yesterday for my second attempt at the Nuchal Translucency Scan.  I was 11w6d, making it optimal for them to complete the scan.  The U/S Tech dated me at 12 weeks exactly and said the baby was cooperating very well!  He/She was very active though, bouncing around and waving his hands- maybe he was just trying to say hello while he knew that I could see him!

11 Weeks

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nuchal Translucency Scan - Attempt #1

At my first appointment with the new OB, I was scheduled for a Nuchal Translucency Scan with another office, which measures the space in the tissue at the back of baby's neck and helps assess the risk for Down Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.  Today, I drank my 24 oz. of water and drove over to the office for my 1:30pm appointment only to find I had to be 11 weeks 2 days, at least, to have an accurate scan, and I only measured at 10 weeks 6 days.  So I am rescheduled for next week.  On the upside, I got to see baby again!

Baby measured at 10 weeks 6 days, 5 cm, and due on June 13th 2012 now <3  I also go to hear his fast, strong heartbeat for the first time!  He was kicking his legs and moving around a lot in there.  Very amazing!

10 Weeks

This week I was battling a week-long upper respiratory infection, though thankfully, have not been battling morning sickness :)  Hopefully that means it has subsided...for the most part...and I can go back to enjoying eating anything and everything!

First Appointment with the New OB

We had our first appointment with our new OB, Dr. Wong, on 11/11/2011 (lucky us!).  And although we didn't officially see our new doctor, we did officially see the baby and his (or her) heartbeat.

If you look closely, you can see the head on the left side of the ultrasound, and the arms and legs :)  Baby measured at 2.14cm, 9 weeks 0 days, and due June 15th, 2012.

9 Weeks

He asked... I said yes!

We're engaged!  Armando came home on Halloween evening from work, with a white gift bag, saying his work gave him a bag of Halloween candy.  I asked him what kind (secretly hoping it was Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or something similar to curb my chocolate craving!).  He said to look for myself and then went into the bedroom to change out of his work scrubs.  I opened the bag to find Ring Pops, and started digging for my favorite flavor.  At the bottom of the bag was a red box.  I took it out, and opened it to find an engagement ring.  I yelled down the hallway, "What is this?" and then took it into the bedroom, where he got down on one knee and officially proposed <3

I am beyond excited to marry such an amazing man!  Our date is set for April 27th, 2013!

8 Weeks

I am trying to catch up on all of my belly pics and ultrasound picture uploads.  I am missing my 7 week photos though :(