Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nuchal Translucency Scan - Attempt #1

At my first appointment with the new OB, I was scheduled for a Nuchal Translucency Scan with another office, which measures the space in the tissue at the back of baby's neck and helps assess the risk for Down Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.  Today, I drank my 24 oz. of water and drove over to the office for my 1:30pm appointment only to find I had to be 11 weeks 2 days, at least, to have an accurate scan, and I only measured at 10 weeks 6 days.  So I am rescheduled for next week.  On the upside, I got to see baby again!

Baby measured at 10 weeks 6 days, 5 cm, and due on June 13th 2012 now <3  I also go to hear his fast, strong heartbeat for the first time!  He was kicking his legs and moving around a lot in there.  Very amazing!

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